
The kids were so right. I’m not very good at Lent. Apparently today is the first day of the second half of it though, so I’m starting over! As for this blog, I really don’t think anyone else would want to read it, so I’m rethinking the “opening it to the public” thing… I dunno. Maybe.

So much has happened so far. Well not really. Well kinda. Kyle finished his Eagle project. Cole’s Eagle project was thrown out, and now we are trying to find a new one. It was confirmed that I’m now a part time employee for (what was) my main job. As devastated as I have been over the whole situation, I have replaced that half of my job with another part time job. I should say, God replaced that half of my job with another job. I’ll write a whole post on that and back-date it. (Is that legal?) David got shingles. He thought his hernia was back too, but we visited the surgeon yesterday who confirmed that he just has a very badly pulled muscle. His shingles have pretty much healed, there is just some lingering pain.

SO that brings us to today. The kids are on spring break. All week I’ve been trying to get the spring garden going. We are planting 64 tomato plants and 96 pepper plants this season. All of which I started from seed and raised in the greenhouse. I am also raising seedlings to donate to Veggie Village which means I have grown over 600 seedlings this season! I’ve already donated 50 tomato plants and given away about 25 so I’m down to under 600 now, but it is still quite a chore to move them out onto the sun deck and back into the greenhouse every night. The kids have really done a great job helping me with that with very few complaints. Today I am planning to plant some seeds and clear some more beds for tomatoes and peppers.